Esemény Adatai
December 14, 2016 09:00AM
December 14, 2016 11:00PM
Fehérje-DNS komplexek a homológ rekombinációban
Helyszín: MTA TTK Nagyterem
Időpont: December 14. 9:00-13:00
9:00-9:55 (45+10) Hiroshi Iwasaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo)
Post-synaptic roles of Swi5-Sfr1 in DNA strand exchange
9:55-10:50 (45+10) Masayuki Takahashi (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo)
Molecular mechanism of stimulation of RecA-promoted DNA strand exchange reaction by Mg2+ ions
15 minutes coffee break
11:05-12:00 (45+10) Mara Prentiss (Harvard University, Boston)
Experimental results suggest hydrolysis promotes rejection of pairings between different copies of repeated genes
12:00-12:55 (45+10) Chantal Prevost (CNRS, Paris)
Reverse strand exchange in homologous recognition : a new role for ATP hydrolysis ?