MEDInPROT and JEOL Workshop on Cryo-Electron Microscopy
10th of January 2019. Thursday
ELTE TTK 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/a, 1.71 Pócza Jenő room
10:30 Welcome by Prof. András Perczel
10:35 Short introduction of electron microscopy by Guillaume Lathus
10:45 Cryo-EM in Biology by Emanuel Katzmann PhD
Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has taken enormous flight in recent years and has gained an enormous momentum resulting in the award for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Atomic level structural analysis of viruses and proteins derived by cryo-EM requires high stability hardware and software. JEOL proudly announces its latest offering in cryo-TEMs to facilitate this development in cryo-EM.
11:40 Cryo-EM in Material Science by Guillaume Brunetti PhD
The development and subsequent application of new materials depends on a fundamental understanding of their structure and properties, and the bonding between atoms. Microstructural information and surface/bulk chemical analyses are readily obtained from these instruments with absolutely state-of-the-art results.
12:40 Coffee break
13:00 Tomography by Sylvain Trépout, PhD
Introduction of Electron Tomography: a combination of cryogenic techniques for specimen preparation, electron microscopy for data collection, and tomographic reconstruction techniques for visualization in three dimensions.
14:00 Cryo-EM in practice by Guillaume Brunetti and Emanuel Katzmann
Cryo-EM in practice, tips and hints for users
14:40 Quiz
15:00 Lunch
For registration please send an email to with the subject ‘Cryo-EM 10th of January 2019.’ until the 28th of December.